We're receiving reports of people's status (presence) appearing incorrectly in Microsoft Teams. Specifically, some people are reporting incorrect statuses of unknown, offline, or out of office when they're actually available or busy. Statuses also seem to be unstable. UO staff are investigating.
Separately, links clicked in Office 365 applications — such as Word, Excel, and Teams — are now verified by Microsoft Defender before loading in your browser. This new security feature, which may slightly increase the page load time, helps reduce the likelihood that you’ll visit a malicious website.
Links clicked in Office 365 applications — such as Word, Excel, and Teams — are now verified by Microsoft Defender before loading in your browser. This new security feature, which may slightly increase the page load time, helps reduce the likelihood that you’ll visit a malicious website.
Microsoft has introduced a new security feature that may sometimes cause you to see the following popup message when you click a link in an Office 365 service, such as Word, Teams, or your UOmail email: "Verifying Link Powered by Microsoft Defender Office for 365."
Microsoft has introduced a new security feature that may sometimes cause you to see the following popup message when you click a link in Teams or your UOmail email: "Verifying Link Powered by Microsoft Defender Office for 365."
Current status: As of 7:50am Pacific Time (Thursday, July 21), Microsoft reports: "The issue with the Teams Desktop app launch has recovered and the service availability across all the regions is above 99.9%. We’ll continue to monitor the service through the morning hours in the North American region to ensure this issue doesn’t reoccur."
If you're still having problems when trying to create or join Teams calls or meetings, or send chats, please try restarting your Teams app.
Yesterday evening, Teams experienced widespread service degradations and outages. Some people were entirely unable to access Teams. Others saw the error message “We ran into a problem. Reconnecting…” or “Operation failed with unexpected error.” Reported impacts have included, but may not have been limited to, the inability to send messages, make calls, or have meetings.
The following are some of the other Office 365 service impacts that Microsoft reported yesterday evening:
UOmail [Exchange Online] (delays sending mail).
Microsoft Word within multiple services (inability to load).
Office Online (Microsoft Word access issues).
SharePoint Online (Microsoft Word access issues).
Project Online (inability to access).
PowerPlatform and PowerAutomate (inability to create an environment with a database).
Windows 365 (inability to provision cloud PCs).
Microsoft generally shares status updates through its Microsoft 365 Status Twitter account.
Partially Unavailable
Current status: As of 10:16pm Pacific Time (Wednesday, July 20), Microsoft reports: "A large portion of the affected services has recovered; however, our telemetry indicates that a portion of users may continue to experience issues utilizing some features. We’re performing targeted actions to address the impact that persists."
Teams has been experiencing widespread impacts this evening. Earlier, some people were entirely unable to access Teams. For others, the Teams desktop app may have opened successfully but without functionality, displaying the message “We ran into a problem. Reconnecting…” The Teams web app displayed the error message “Operation failed with unexpected error.” Reported impacts have included, but may not have been limited to, the inability to send messages, make calls, or have meetings.
The following are some of the other Office 365 service impacts that Microsoft is reporting as current or resolved this evening:
UOmail [Exchange Online] (delays sending mail).
Microsoft Word within multiple services (inability to load).
Office Online (Microsoft Word access issues).
SharePoint Online (Microsoft Word access issues).
Project Online (inability to access).
PowerPlatform and PowerAutomate (inability to create an environment with a database).
Teams continues to recover. As of 9:54pm Pacific Time (Wednesday, July 20), Microsoft reports: "We’re observing continued improvement for a majority of the functions within Microsoft Teams. We’re focused on the areas that have not recovered and are taking action to restore the service."
Teams has been experiencing widespread impacts this evening. Earlier, some people were entirely unable to access Teams. For others, the Teams desktop app may have opened successfully but without functionality, displaying the message “We ran into a problem. Reconnecting…” The Teams web app displayed the error message “Operation failed with unexpected error.” Reported impacts have included, but may not have been limited to, the inability to send messages, make calls, or have meetings.
The following are some of the other Office 365 service impacts that Microsoft is reporting as current or resolved this evening:
UOmail [Exchange Online] (delays sending mail).
Microsoft Word within multiple services (inability to load).
Office Online (Microsoft Word access issues).
SharePoint Online (Microsoft Word access issues).
Project Online (inability to access).
PowerPlatform and PowerAutomate (inability to create an environment with a database).
As of about 9:10pm Pacific Time (Wednesday, July 20), Teams is beginning to recover, as confirmed by UO staff.
As of 8:59pm, Microsoft had taken action to address the issue.
As of 8:43pm, Microsoft was reporting impacts to Teams-integrated aspects of Word, Office online, and other Office 365 services.
Teams is experiencing widespread impacts this evening. Some people are entirely unable to access Teams. For others, the Teams desktop app may open successfully but without functionality, displaying the message “We ran into a problem. Reconnecting…” The Teams web app may display the error message “Operation failed with unexpected error.” Reported impacts include, but may not be limited to, the inability to send messages, make calls, or have meetings.
As of about 9:10pm Pacific Time (Wednesday, July 20), Teams is beginning to recover, as confirmed by UO staff.
As of 8:59pm, Microsoft had taken action to address the issue.
As of 8:43pm, Microsoft was reporting impacts to Word, Office online, and SharePoint online, as well as Teams.
Teams is experiencing widespread impacts this evening. Some people are entirely unable to access Teams. For others, the Teams desktop app may open successfully but without functionality, displaying the message “We ran into a problem. Reconnecting…” The Teams web app may display the error message “Operation failed with unexpected error.” Reported impacts include, but may not be limited to, the inability to send messages, make calls, or have meetings.