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Info | Staff are investigating a brief service outage that started at 5:47pm and lasted 5-10 minutes. Scope is unclear. |
Available | ||
Partially Unavailable | The UO Class Schedule isn't loading at classes.uoregon.edu. UO staff are working on the issue. Workaround: You can access the same Class Schedule here: https://duckweb.uoregon.edu/duckweb/hwskdhnt.schedule_of_classes. |
Unavailable | The UO Class Schedule isn't loading at classes.uoregon.edu. UO staff are working on the issue. Workaround: You can access the same Class Schedule here: https://duckweb.uoregon.edu/duckweb/hwskdhnt.schedule_of_classes. |
Available | ||
Info | Webmail-to-UOmail migration tool: If you had trouble using the migration tool earlier today (Monday, June 27), please try again now. UO IT staff have made a change that should have resolved the earlier issue. More information about using the migration tool: https://service.uoregon.edu/TDClient/2030/Portal/KB/ArticleDet?ID=119711 |