
UO Secure Wi-Fi experienced a partial outage through the weekend and into Monday as an unintended side effect of the maintenance on Saturday, August 3. The outage was resolved around 3:15 pm on Monday, August 5th.

Most devices should now connect successfully to UO Secure. If that doesn't work, please try the following:

  • Option 1: Restart your device.
  • Option 2: Reinstall certificates for UO Secure.
    • Go to your device's Wi-Fi settings.
    • Forget or remove UO Secure.
    • Connect to the UO WiFi Setup network and follow the on-screen instructions to accept certificates and reconnect to UO Secure.
Partially Unavailable

We're receiving reports that UO Secure wireless is partially unavailable. Some impacted users may be connected but unable to reach the internet, while others are unable to connect at all. Staff are working to restore service.

A solution that has worked for some users is to reinstall certificates for UO Secure by performing the following steps:

  1. Go into your device's wi-fi settings
  2. Forget or remove UO Secure
  3. Connect to UO WiFi Setup and follow the on-screen instructions to accept certificates and reconnect to UO Secure

If you're still not able to connect, UO Guest wireless is available as a workaround.

Partially Unavailable

We're receiving reports that UO Secure wireless is partially unavailable. Some impacted users may be connected but unable to reach the internet, while others are unable to connect at all. Staff are engaged. Those impacted may benefit from using a workaround:

  • Connect to UO Guest wireless instead, or
  • Try reinstalling certificates for UO Secure by performing the following steps:
    • Go into your device's wi-fi settings
    • Forget or remove UO Secure
    • Connect to UO WiFi Setup and follow the on-screen instructions to accept certificates and reconnect to UO Secure
Partially Unavailable

We're receiving reports that UO Secure wireless is partially unavailable. Some impacted users may be connected but unable to reach the internet, while others are unable to connect at all. Staff are engaged.


Resolved network outage August 1, 2024: We received widespread reports of network connectivity issues around 2:30pm. The outage was short and connectivity restored within minutes. Staff have confirmed the cause was an outside internet connection interruption. Link Oregon reported their peering with Seattle was briefly disrupted.

On Saturday, August 3, from 10:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m., UO staff will perform extended daytime maintenance on the critical back-end service called Active Directory as part of an essential update process. This work has the potential to cause broad disruptions to UO services, from computer logins to email flow, access to Wi-Fi and UO VPN, and numerous applications. Also, we recommend that you avoid changing your password during the maintenance. Learn more at Oregon News (formerly Around the O).


On Saturday, August 3, from 10:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m., UO staff will perform extended daytime maintenance on the critical back-end service called Active Directory as part of an essential update process. This work has the potential to cause broad disruptions to UO services, from computer logins to email flow, access to Wi-Fi and UO VPN, and numerous applications. Also, we recommend that you avoid changing your password during the maintenance. Learn more at Oregon News (formerly Around the O).


Resolved Authentication Services issue: Logins served with Shibboleth Single Sign-on (SSO) were unavailable approximately 3:05pm - 3:30pm on July 31, 2024. This impacted many UO services, including Canvas, Zoom, Concur, and any others featuring the familiar login screen with a bold yellow Login Required bar across the top. 

On Saturday, August 3, from 10:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m., UO staff will perform extended daytime maintenance on the critical back-end service called Active Directory as part of an essential update process. This work has the potential to cause broad disruptions to UO services, from computer logins to email flow, access to Wi-Fi and UO VPN, and numerous applications. Also, we recommend that you avoid changing your password during the maintenance. Learn more at Oregon News (formerly Around the O).


Logins served with Shibboleth Single Sign-on (SSO) were unavailable approximately 3:05pm - 3:30pm on July 31, 2024. This impacted many UO services, including Canvas, Zoom, Concur, and any others featuring the familiar login screen with a bold yellow Login Required bar across the top. 


Logins served with Shibboleth Single Sign-on (SSO) are currently unavailable. This impacts many UO services, including Canvas, Zoom, Concur, and any others featuring the familiar login screen with a bold yellow Login Required bar across the top. Attempts to log in may hang until timeout or show an error reading, "Secure Connection Failed". Information Services staff are engaged.