Early-morning outages affecting UO website, Blackboard, email, and other services

Between approximately 12:00am and 2:30am on April 14, UO websites (www.uoregon.edu, duckweb.uoregon.edu, canvas.uoregon.edu, blackboard.uoregon.edu and most others) were not responding. Email was also not working. Staff have restored those services and are investigating the cause.

Blackboard outage resolved

The Blackboard service degradation has now been resolved.

Outages affecting UO website, Blackboard, email, and other services

Between approximately 12pm and 12:20pm this afternoon, UO websites (including www.uoregon.edu and blackboard.uoregon.edu) were not responding. Email was also not working. Staff have restored most services. Service degradations continue to affect Blackboard. Staff are working to restore services.

UO web sites and logins unavailable this morning for about one hour

Between approximately 7:00AM and 8:00AM this morning, UO websites (www.uoregon.edu, duckweb.uoregon.edu, canvas.uoregon.edu, blackboard.uoregon.edu and most others) were not responding. Email was also not working. Staff have restored those services and investigate the cause.

EMU network outage - update

Services to KWVA radio were restored yesterday evening at 6:10PM

EMU network outage mostly resolved

Network connectivity was restored to most of the EMU around 3pm, and to a few additional areas around 4:45pm. A service degradation continues to affect the KWVA radio station. Staff are working to restore service there.

EMU network outage

The Erb Memorial Union network appears down, NTS is checking with onsite staff

CrashPlan issue resolved

The CrashPlan problem with new devices has been resolved. Devices should automatically update when they connect to the server for the first time following this morning's work.

CrashPlan: New devices unable to back up

We've received reports that devices new to CrashPlan are not backing up. Staff are tentatively planning to do work on Tuesday, March 31, from 5am to 7am, to restore services.

VoIP sound quality and network stability issues resolved

The network service degradations reported on 3/6/15 were resolved around 1pm that day.

The voice over IP (VoIP) telephone sound quality issues appear to have been resolved the evening of 3/6/15.